We are MNWOO

We are you, people that are affected by unconscious pollution and contamination of our water sources. Let’s protect whats precious to us. Our water, and our families.

Please consider donating to MNWOO – it is tax-deductible because MNWOO is a 501(c)(3) organization. Please mail your generous donations to MNWOO, P.O. Box 6275, Rochester, MN 55903 or use the secure method of payment here

Minnesota Well Owners Organization
MNWOO’s purpose is to provide education, technical and legal services, and advocacy to those who own and who rely on private wells for their drinking water. To preserve, protect, and restore the quality and quantity of Minnesota’s water resources and to ensure the safety of those who use them
- MNWOO will help navigate the maze of fragmentation of water regulation through state agencies
- Advocacy in local, state, and federal issues
- Technical advice and discount on services
- Education, training and assistance with local water issues
- Advice on type and timing of well testing
- Awareness of regional events and news
Our Wells
Our members share pictures of their
water sources throughout Minnesota