Our Board Members are:

Jan Blevins
Jan is a MNWOO Board Member representing the Groundwater Province 3. She is the Energy Advisory at Rochester Public Utilities in Rochester MN. Prior to working with RPU, she was the Coordinator of Energy and Health and Safety for the Rochester Public School District. Jan contributes her care, compassion, and knowledge of the rural southeastern Minnesota community. She makes awesome jams and jellies. Contact Jan at jblevins@rpu.org.

Jeffrey Broberg
Jeffrey is a founder and a MNWOO Board Member-at-Large. Jeffrey is a Registered Professional Geologist with more than 40 years’ experience with natural resources, land issues, and environmental risk management. Jeffrey is a trout fisherman. Contact Jeffrey at brobergmnwoo@gmail.com and at 507.273.4961.

Karuna Ojanen
Karuna is a founder and a MNWOO Board Member-at-Large. Karuna is a Registered Patent Attorney with a B.S. in Physics and has practiced intellectual property law for over 30 years. She has a certificate in Natural Resources Law and was Lead Articles Editor for the Natural Resources Journal. She is pursuing her passion to protect water and trees. Contact Karuna at Ojanen.mnwoo@gmail.com and at 507.993.5842.

Paul Wotzka
Paul is a founder and a MNWOO Board Member representing the Groundwater Province 3. Paul is a professional Hydrologist with over 30 years’ experience in government and consulting in watershed management. Paul grows the best organic garlic you will ever eat. Contact Paul at pjwotzka@aol.com and at 507.450.7737.
We are seeking active Board Members
Our Bylaws state that MNWOO will have 2 board members from each Groundwater Province and several at-large Board Members. We invite you to read MNWOO’s Bylaws and submit your Statement of Interest to mnwellownersorganization@gmail.com
Please consider donating to MNWOO – it is tax-deductible because MNWOO is a 501(c)(3) organization. Please mail your generous donations to MNWOO, P.O. Box 6275, Rochester, MN 55903 or use the secure method of payment here
Mnwoo is a:
- Nonprofit organization (501 (c) 3 status applied for)
- For private well owners
- Provide education, technical and legal services, and advocacy
- Preserve, protect, and restore Minnesota’s water resources
- Ensure the the safety of those who use private wells for drinking water
- Private well owners do not have the same legal protections and obligations as municipalities
- Over 1,200,000 private water wells in Minnesota
- Currently over 10% of private wells above Health Risk Limits (HRLs)
- Major contaminants include: bacteria, nitrates, pesticides, arsenic, lead, and radon
Estimated N sources to surface waters from the Minnesota contributing areas of the Minnesota River Basin (average precipitation year)
Where we fit in:
- Community Action
- Empowerment
- Good information and knowledge results in good decisions by well owners to benefit water resources
Well testing talk gets spirited

Groundwater –
A river that flows into itself!
“When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.” Benjamin Franklin