News and events


Free well water testing for SE Minnesota well owners on February 2, 2023

Drinking water is a growing concern, especially for private well owners in southeast Minnesota. The Minnesota Well Owners Organization (MNWOO) and the Minnesota Ground Water Association (MGWA) are sponsoring a free water screening clinic for nitrates and chlorides.  The clinic will be held on February 2, 2023 for those living in households in SE MN that rely on private or shared well systems.

Water testing event details

  • Date/Time: Thursday, February 2, 2023 from 1 to 7 p.m.
  • Location: St. Charles Community Center adjacent to St. Charles City Hall offices at 830 Whitewater Avenue.  To participate, collect a cup (8 ounces) of water from your well in a clean plastic or glass container and bring it to the Community Center. Results will be provided to you within 20 minutes. 


You may also bring a picture of your well and water treatment system; this will help volunteers better understand your water. If you have a treatment system, take one sample before the treatment (e.g., outside hydrant) and one of treated drinking water (e.g., kitchen sink) and you can see how efficient your water treatment system works for removing nitrates and chlorides. Clearly mark each container.

Experienced water resource professionals from MNWOO and MGWA will be on hand to consult with on concerns you may have about your well or well water. Information on the region’s geology and water resources will also be available.  The event is free!


The Minnesota Well Owners Organization (MnWOO) and Winona County Health and Human Services team up on Thursday, November 21st, in Stockton for a free nitrate-testing clinic

Its time to get your well water tested
for nitrates
for free!

When: Thursday, November 21st
2 PM to 6:30 PM
Where: Stockton Community Center located
on 8600 D Street, Stockton

– Bring your drinking water to Stockton Community Center in a clean container or plastic baggie. Include the location and date you collected the sample and any other details about your well. Please have a minimum of one cup (8 ounces) of water. The testing is free!
– Test both sides of your reverse osmosis (RO) water treatment system to see how it is working.
– Bring in multiple samples to test from every well you may own regardless of the age, depth, or condition of the well. Results will only take 15 minutes.

This event is free and open to the public
Sponsored by

Southeastern Minnesota Water Analysis Laboratory

Winona County Health and Human Services


MNWOO is looking for interns

MNWOO is looking for interns to continue our important work to ensure pristine drinking water at the tap. Come to the Earth and Environmental Sciences CAREER FAIR at the UNIVERSITY of MINNESOTA on 15 October 2109 from 10 am to 4 pm. Register and look for our table with Freshwater and Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy. Go to this website to register:


The Minnesota Well Owners Organization (MnWOO) and Olmsted County Public Health Services team up on Thursday, October 10th, in Rochester for a free nitrate-testing clinic

The Minnesota Well Owners Organization (MnWOO) and Olmsted County Public Health Services team up on Thursday, October 10th, in Rochester for a free nitrate-testing clinic.

On Thursday October 10th from 3 to 6:30 PM private well owners can bring their water samples to the Rochester Area Foundation (RAF) located at 12 Elton Hills Drive NW in Rochester for free nitrate analysis. Bring as many water samples as you want from your drinking water or samples from local wells, springs or streams. If you want to know how much nitrate is in your drinking water come to this water testing clinic. The testing is free. If you come between 3 PM and 6:30 PM your samples will be analyzed within 15 minutes.
While you are waiting for your water tests, watch the analysis in progress and compare your drinking water to water from 3 different local wells. We will have free coffee, cookies and bars. You can visit with a geologist and hydrologist, who are also private well owners, about your drinking water concerns. Also, bring pictures of your well and any water treatment system you may have for your home drinking water, and any information you may have about your well
to help in the discussion. At the clinic, you can view the most recent maps and data about nitrates and wells in Olmsted and surrounding counties.
Bring your drinking water to RAF in a clean container or plastic baggie. Include the location and date you collected the sample and any other details about your well. Please have a minimum of one cup (8 ounces) of water. The testing is free!
MnWOO is a non-government, 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization and this water-testing clinic is with the support of the Rochester Area Foundation and Olmsted County Public Health Services.

Bring your drinking water samples: to Rochester Area Foundation located on 12 Elton Hills Drive NW on Thursday October 10, 2019 between 3:00 PM and 6:30 PM.

Minnesota Well Owners Association c/o Rochester Area Foundation 12 Elton Hills Drive NW Rochester,
Minnesota 55901