Collect untreated well water in a separate 1 quart (32 oz) hard-sided container such as a 1 quart glass jar. No soft plastic containers.
Label the lid with your last name and U for Untreated.
If you use water treatment for the water you drink, collect it in a clean 1 quart (32 oz) container such as a 1 quart glass jar. Label the lid with your last name and T for Treated.
Save time, fill out the preregistration form, and drop off your samples on the 14th OR at the early drop-off dates.
Help is available for registration at early drop-off dates or on the 14th.
Please purchase 1 test for each sample of water (1 for treated and 1 for untreated, if you have both)
Please purchase the bundle if you would like to buy quantities of both.